Staggered Speed Stop
DJ Sackmann goes through a simple breakdown of the advanced staggered speed stop move used by many NBA players. According to DJ, “Let's take a look at our staggered speed stop. A staggered speed stop is really setting our defender up to lift as I stopped. So right now if I'm driving left I'm a righty so I can stop here with my feet staggered and get into my shot because my elbows square. So I want to get into that right left speed stop stagger my feet on the stop because that's gonna allow me to load up and get skinnier when I cross that. So if I was here 1 2 I can't really step across my frame skinny but this will allow me to really just angle down if I have a gap and my defender lifts. So again I'm driving left I want to stop right left when my feet stop my hips stay down my guide hand comes to the center of my frame to simulate pick up. My chin slightly lifts to the rim without carrying the basketball. I'm gonna push the ball across my frame and cross step simultaneously into my finish very efficient let's try it - it'll work!”
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