Tee ball (t-ball) is the introduction to baseball and/or softball for many youth athletes. It teaches the fundamentals of the sports we love without the performance anxiety of more competitive leagues. T-ball registrations begin for children as young as four (4) years old. This may cause some parents to hesitate. Is my child really prepared for organized sports? Still other parents might feel that their little guy or girl is perhaps too advanced for t-ball and can jump straight to coach pitch. Both are certainly legitimate concerns.
Today, we will be reviewing the age brackets for youth t-ball and beyond, what physical tools children should possess for tee ball, the emotional and psychological aspects of youth athletics, and ultimately how parents can decide on what is best for their kids.
Before we get into the nitty gritty, let’s first establish what ages are permitted to play in which leagues. Your organization might be slightly different, but here is the standard set by Little League Baseball:
For young baseball and softball players, the age overlap begins around age five (5). This allows parents to keep children in t-ball a bit longer as they see fit. Kids develop at different rates when it comes to physical maturity, emotional maturity, and intellectual ability. There is nothing wrong with moving a youth athlete along quickly or holding him or her back for an extra year or two. Each case is unique.
Many parents are concerned that their little ones may not be physically mature enough to play tee ball. There is no question that this is a real consideration. Parents and coaches may feel that a young athlete simply is unable to perform the tasks of hitting, catching, and throwing.
However, at the tee ball level we believe this is not incredibly important. Tee ball is much more about learning the game of baseball and learning team dynamics than it is about any sort of specific physical skill.
The crux of this decision may boil down to whether you believe your son or daughter will react negatively to the adversities of tee ball. It is good for us to recommend that all players participate regardless of athletic ability, but this may not be fair to the kids. Children are smart. They know when they are not able to perform at the level of their teammates. This decision is highly personal, and one that should be considered carefully.
To further the point made in the previous section, a child’s readiness to participate in t-ball is much more aligned with his or her emotional maturity than it is their physical ability. No five (5) year old can be expected to behave with maturity on the diamond, but each child is different in the way he or she will react to this new situation. Let’s consider two cases:
Child A is a naturally gifted 5-year-old athlete. He is able to throw, hit, catch, and understands the basic rules of baseball. He would easily be amongst the better players if he played in a t-ball league. Child A is also struggling with listening in school, and acts out at home when he doesn’t get his way. Parents may believe t-ball would be a great learning tool, but they may also feel that t-ball would be too much too soon.
Child B is a below average athlete. She enjoys baseball, but is unable to physically swing the bat and make contact with the ball consistently. Child B is also very emotionally mature for her age, and has always responded well to difficult situations. Child B is probably ready to participate in tee ball if her parents so choose.
Most children will fall somewhere in between. Whether you believe your child is ready for tee ball is a decision to be made with the best interests of the child in mind.
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